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So what exactly is on an other page? Um...other stuff! Well it's work that I've done that I just wasn't exactly sure where to place it. Stuff I feel is relevant and says "Hey! I can do this also!" So feel free to take a look around if it helps give you more of an idea of what I can (or can't yet) do.

The first two images animations were done traditionally (good old paper and a light box) The third image I did for a friend in Flash. The image of the "Pirate Mouse" and the "Goblin" Maquette were two projects. One for a class the other for fun. Both were made out of super sculpy and these images are sadly all I have left of them. The last set of images were for a professional project (yes I should put some of them on the 3D page - but I felt people needed to see the 2D Concept I was given to create them from.)


Hungry Animation 2D Tripping animation Sick Jake
Maquettes Car Concept Sketch 1 Car Concept Sketch 2
Car Concept Model 1 Car Concept Model 2 Car Concept Model 3